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Our Partner

Zweisel Glas

The art


Zwiesel Glas is dedicated to serving the world’s most demanding guests and finest hosts. Almost 150 years of glass craftsmanship, tradition and passion are now adopting a confident new form: Zwiesel Glas. Zwiesel Glas. The umbrella brand represents the entire experience of their brands Zwiesel 1872, Schott Zwiesel, and Jenaer Glas. It appropriately represents the full experiences of our Zwiesel 1872 and Schott Zwiesel brands, while reflecting our enduring passion to create the extraordinary and their aim to keep innovating in the future. Explore the myriad of glassware collections that exude timeless passion, elegance, and the extraordinary.

Zwiesel has never just been about glass, but has always echoed the possibilities inherent in glass. They strive to create unique products at the highest level of manufacturing skill and craftsmanship that offer extraordinary experiences of enjoyment and community. Products that lend a special touch to every table setting and are simply part of refined taste worldwide. The sound of toasting with a Zwiesel Glas is the unmistakable sound of true hospitality.

A special note


Zwiesel Glas is characterized by its unique quality. This high-quality standard starts with the sound: The tone in which Zwiesel glasses sound when they are clinked is unique and has thus become the brand’s clear distinguishing feature. This special tone when toasting is appreciated not only by glass lovers but also by hosts and guests all over the world.


The Zwiesel Glas glassmakers use techniques to this day that have been perfected and passed on for generations since 1872. Every work step gives their products an individual touch. Zwiesel Glas glassmakers are passionately committed to using these techniques every day – to gradually create ever new aesthetics.

The unforgettable ZWIESEL GLAS moments shared by guests and hosts the world over are made possible by sophisticated approaches to material and shape as well as the employees’ appreciation and sensitivity for perfect details. The precision and brilliance of this craftsmanship create the most refined premium products – ZWIESEL GLAS.


The machine-made series is not only brilliant, break-resistant, and especially dishwasher-safe, but also sustainable. The innovative TRITAN® technology makes glasses particularly durable and therefore, an environmentally-friendly choice. ZWIESEL GLAS also makes a lasting contribution to environmental protection with its sustainable oxyfuel technology, which consumes 30% less energy and causes significantly fewer carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions during production.

Therefore, their machine production offers quality and sustainable design at the highest level. Tradition and innovation come together in the finest premium products:

ZWIESEL GLAS. Created to inspire guests and hosts alike.


The JENAER GLAS brand has stood for functional, heat resistant glass ever since 1918. Thanks to their material properties, JENAER GLAS products are ideal for a wide range of uses.

  • Heat-resistant up to +300 °C
  • Can be refrigerated and deep-frozen up to -35 °C
  • Resistant to changes in temperature (up to 130 K)*
  • Suitable for use in the microwave and in microwave grill ovens